Sunday, 9 August 2015

Muddling through

So what exactly do you write in your first ever blog post?

I think the first thing should be an admission that I pushed myself to start this because I wanted to take part in vegan Mofo this year. I have enjoyed Mofo for a number of years from behind my computer screen and I love the imagination and fabulous creativity that the online vegan community bring every year and I think that I should try jumping in and taking part.

I am so pleased to be a part of this movement, there is such a sense of innovation and fearless experimentation. Although I made the decision to stop eating animal products because the cruelty was something I didn't want to support I never expected to find a passion for cooking and a hobby which brought me so much pleasure.

When I moved out and had my own kitchen and responsibility to feed myself I knew how to make maybe three things, I now have a groaning shelf full of amazing cookbooks, a ridiculous wishlist of more besides and consider myself to be a very good cook and fantastic baketivist. All thanks to my desire to live off of something more than plain pasta.

Vegan food and the people who make it are changing the world and we are changing peoples minds. Not eating animal products has enabled and encouraged me to try things I would never have and I am constantly stunned and excited by the things I see other people creating. And I sleep soundly knowing I live an authentic life and I'm not hurting anything to do it.

That's probably enough of me rambling on, I'll see about getting a post that actually contains some food up in the coming week, til then I'll leave you with a picture of somebunny who appreciates cauliflower leaves and other kitchen cast offs.

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